The Pledge for
As a political candidate seeking office, I will not aid and abet those who seek to undermine democracy. In particular, by signing this pledge, I commit to:
- Not fabricate, use, or spread falsified, fabricated, doxed, or stolen information or data for disinformation or propaganda purposes,
- Not fabricate, use, or spread synthetic (AI-doctored) media content, which was created for instance with deepfake technology to impersonate other candidates without their consent,
- Ensure transparency in my use of any coordinated and particularly AI-based network activity (so-called “bots”) to disseminate messages; avoid using such networks to attack opponents and other electoral stakeholders, or coordinating third-parties, proxies, or fake accounts to undertake these actions; avoid unethical microtargeting of voters on any social network,
- Ensure transparency in foreign and domestic sources of campaign financing, especially online political advertising purchases, to maximize public trust in the electoral process,
- Take active steps to maintain good cyber hygiene of my election campaign, such as regular cybersecurity checks and password protection, training of my campaign staff in digital literacy and digital risk awareness, to recognize and prevent attacks,
- Inform myself at the beginning of the election campaign about the authorities and institutions responsible for safeguarding the integrity of the elections, to which any suspected attempt to influence elections should be reported. In the event of an incident against me, I will immediately report it to these institutions.
By signing this Pledge for Election Integrity, I affirm my commitment to fair and transparent online election campaigns, actively countering AI-based methods of election meddling, and protecting the integrity of democratic processes and institutions.
Als politische Parteien und Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten, werden wir diejenigen, die die Demokratie untergraben wollen, nicht unterstützen.
Mit der Unterzeichnung dieser Selbstverpflichtung erklären ich:
- keine Daten oder Materialien herzustellen, zu verwenden oder zu verbreiten, die für Desinformations- oder Propagandazwecke gefälscht, fabriziert oder gestohlen wurden;
- die Verbreitung von manipulierten Audio-, Video- oder Bilddateien zu unterbinden, die vorgeben andere Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten zu verkörpern, einschließlich sogenannter Deep Fake-Videos;
- die Verwendung jeglicher koordinierter Netzwerkaktivitäten zur Verbreitung von Nachrichten transparent zu machen; es zu vermeiden, diese Netzwerke dafür zu verwenden, um Gegner und andere mit der Durchführung der Wahl beauftragte Personen anzugreifen, oder Dritte, Proxies oder gefälschte Social Media-Konten dafür zu nutzen, solche Aktionen durchzuführen;
- aktive Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung einer guten „Cyber-Hygiene“, wie z.B. die regelmäßige Überprüfungen der eigenen Cybersicherheit und des Passwortschutzes, und zur Schulung von Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in den Bereichen Medienkompetenz und Risikobewusstsein zu ergreifen, um solche Angriffe zu erkennen und zu verhindern;
- mich zu voller Transparenz bezüglich aller ausländischer und inländischer Quellen der Wahlkampffinanzierung, einschließlich des Kaufs von politischer Online-Werbung, um das öffentliche Vertrauen in den Wahlprozess zu maximieren.
En tant que partis politiques et candidats, nous nous engageons à ne pas aider et encourager ceux qui cherchent à s’ingérer dans nos démocraties.
En signant cette charte, nous nous engageons à:
- Ne pas créer, utiliser ou propager des données et documents qui ont été falsifiés, fabriqués ou volés dans un objectif de désinformation ou de propagande;
- Eviter la diffusion de vidéos et de fichiers audio trafiqués qui imitent d’autres candidats, en particulier des “deep fake videos”;
- Rendre transparent l’utilisation des bots (robots) informatiques pour diffuser des messages et éviter l’utilisation de ces bots pour attaquer les candidats adverses, ainsi que le recours à des parties tierces pour réaliser ces actions;
- Prendre des mesures concrètes pour assurer la sécurité informatique, former les équipes de campagne aux médias, à l’identification des risques pour reconnaître et prévenir les attaques extérieures;
- Rendre transparentes les sources du financement des campagnes.
Llamamos a todos los partidos democráticos y a los propios candidatos a que se comprometan a no emprender acción alguna que ayude a, ni los haga cómplices de aquellos que buscan socavar nuestras democracias. En concreto, llamamos a los candidatos a que se comprometan a lo siguiente
- No fabricar, utilizar o difundir datos o material falso, inventado o robado, con el objetivo de desinformar o hacer propaganda de algo o alguien.
- Evitar difundir audios, vídeos o imágenes manipulados que suplanten a otros candidatos, incluyendo vídeos de gran falsedad.
- Sacar a la luz el uso de redes de ‘bots’ para difundir mensajes; evitar la utilización de estas redes para atacar a oponentes, así como de terceros o ‘proxies’ con el mismo objetivo.
- Tomar medidas activas para garantizar la ciberseguridad, y dotar al personal de campaña con los conocimientos necesarios en medios de comunicación y ciberamenazas para reconocer y prevenir ataques.
- Ser transparentes con el origen de la financiación de sus campañas.
საქართველოს პარლამენტის წევრობის მოსაპოვლებლად არჩევნებში მონაწილე პოლიტიკური პარტიები და კანდიდატები, პირობას ვდებთ, რომ არ დავეხმარებით და არ წავაქეზებთ იმათ, ვინც ცდილობს ავნოს დემოკრატიას.
კერძოდ კი, აქ ხელის მოწერით, პირობას ვდებთ, რომ:
- არ დავამზადებთ, არ გამოვიყენებთ და არ გავავრცელებთ ცრუ და ყალბ, ზიანის მიყენების მიზნით მოპოვებული პირადი ხასიათის ან მოპარულ მონაცემებს და მასალას, დეზინფორმაციის ან პროპაგანდის მიზნებისთვის.
- თავიდან ავიცილებთ ცრუ აუდიო, ვიდეო ან ფოტო, მათ შორის დიფფეიქ ტექნოლოგიით დამზადებული მასალების გავრეცელებას, რომლებიც ყალბად განასახიერებენ არჩევნებში მონაწილე სხვა კანდიდატებს.
- გამჭვირვალეს გავხდით ბოტური ქსელების გამოყენებას საარჩევნო მასალების გავრცელებისთვის. მოვერიდებით ოპონენტებზე თავდახსმას, ამ ქსელების, მესამე მხარეების და მარიონეტების საშუალებით.
- აქტიურ ნაბიჯებს გადავდგამთ კიბერ უსაფრთოების გასამტკიცებლად და კიბერ შეტევების დროულად ამოცნობის და თავიდან აცილების უზრუნველსაყოფად საარჩვენო კამპანიაში მონაწილე თანამშრომლების ჩავუტარებთ სწავლებებს მედია წიგნიერებასა და რისკების განცობიერებაში.
- გამჭვირვალეს გავხდით ჩვენი საარჩევნო კამპანიის ფინანსურ რესურსებს.
What is the Pledge for Election Integrity?
Every year millions of people around the world go to the polls to cast their vote. But they may not be the only ones to have their say – foreign powers will also want to influence the outcome. Governments, electoral commissions and intelligence services have mobilized to varying degrees to counter these threats. Yet not enough has been done.
Political parties and their candidates are on the front lines of democracy and election integrity. That is why the members of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity are calling on all democratic parties, as well as candidates themselves, to commit to take no action to aid and abet those who seek to undermine our democracies.
What is the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity?
The Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity is a transatlantic, bi-partisan group of political, tech, business and media leaders that seeks to foster a more collective approach to preventing the next wave of foreign election interference.
The Commission’s work raises awareness of the risks, develops new technology tools, and identifies weaknesses and remedies in the policy response across Europe and the USA, including front line states such as Ukraine.
Visit our TCEI homepage to learn more:
What is disinformation?
Disinformation is one of the key means to interfere in democratic elections and undermine the democratic process in a country. But what’s the difference between fake news, misinformation, and disinformation?
According to the European Democracy Action Plan, “misinformation is false or misleading content shared without harmful intent though the effects can still be harmful, e.g. when people share false information with friends and family in good faith. Disinformation is false or misleading content that is spread with an intention to deceive or secure economic or political gain and which may cause public harm.” In other words, misinformation is simply false information, but the person who is disseminating it believes that it’s true. Disinformation is also false information but the person who is disseminating it knows it’s false. It is a deliberate, intentional lie, and points to people being actively disinformed by domestic or foreign malicious actors.
What is cyber hygiene?
Much like personal hygiene ensures that we stay healthy, cyber hygiene refers to best practices and activities that internet users should undertake to improve their cybersecurity to keep their data safe and protect their personal digital identity, whilst they engage in online activities such as emailing, browsing the web, or interacting on social media platforms. Cyber hygiene is the fundamental requirement to protect users from any attacks in cyber space.
What are deepfakes?
The term “deepfake” is often used as an umbrella term that covers various forms of audio-visual manipulation. But deepfakes can be defined more specifically as highly sophisticated manipulation of audio-visual media using AI-driven technology. But what is so special about it? WITNESS’ Media Lab puts it straight: “Deepfakes are new forms of audio-visual manipulation that allow people to create realistic simulations of someone’s face, voice or actions. They enable people to make it seem like someone said or did something they didn’t or an event happened that never occurred. They are getting easier to make, requiring fewer source images to build them, and they are increasingly being commercialized.” The term deepfakes essentially comes from combining “deep learning” with “fake.”
If you would like to explore how it feels as a politician to become the subject of a disinformation campaign, come and play our political online game: The Disinformation Diaries here.
To give you a very concrete example for a political deepfake, watch “our” President Trump live on stage at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit in 2019.
To learn more about Disinformation and the potential damage of political Deepfakes in the future, visit our Open Online Course on the EdTech-platform CanopyLab here.
Was ist der “Pledge for Election Integrity”
Jedes Jahr begeben sich Millionen von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt an die Urnen, um ihre Stimme abzugeben. Aber oft sind sie nicht die Einzigen, die über die politische Zukunft ihres Landes entscheiden möchten – auch manche ausländische Mächte wollen das Ergebnis mitbeeinflussen. Daher bemühen sich Regierungen, Wahlkommissionen und Nachrichtendienste in unterschiedlichem Maße, diesen Bedrohungen zu begegnen. Dennoch ist vielerorts noch nicht genug getan worden.
Politische Parteien und ihre Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten stehen an vorderster Front, wenn es um die Integrität von Demokratie und Wahlen geht. Deshalb rufen die Mitglieder der TCEI alle demokratischen Parteien sowie deren Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten auf, sich zu verpflichten, keine Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, die diejenigen unterstützen, die versuchen, unsere Demokratien zu untergraben.
Was ist die Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI)?
Die TCEI ist eine transatlantische, überparteiliche Gruppe von Führungskräften aus Politik, Technologieunternehmen, Wirtschaft und Medien, deren Ziel es ist, einen verbindlicheren Ansatz zur Verhinderung der nächsten Welle ausländischer Wahleinmischung zu fördern.
Das Ziel der Transatlantischen Kommission ist es, das Bewusstsein für die Risiken von Wahleinmischung zu stärken, neue technologische Hilfsmittel zu entwickeln und Schwachstellen sowie politische Gegenmaßnahmen für betroffene Länder in Europa, die USA und besonders exponierte Staaten wie die Ukraine zu identifizieren.
Besuchen Sie unsere TCEI-Homepage, um mehr zu erfahren: Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity
Was sind Desinformationen?
Desinformationen sind eines der wichtigsten Mittel, um sich in demokratische Wahlen einzumischen und den demokratischen Prozess in einem Land zu untergraben. Aber was ist der Unterschied zwischen Fake News, Fehlinformationen (engl.: „misinformation“) und Desinformationen (engl.: „disinformation“)?
Laut dem Europäischen Aktionsplan für Demokratie sind „Fehlinformationen falsche oder irreführende Inhalte, die ohne schädliche Absicht geteilt werden, obwohl die Auswirkungen dennoch schädlich sein können, z. wenn Menschen in gutem Glauben falsche Informationen an Freunde und Familie weitergeben. Desinformationen sind falsche oder irreführende Nachrichteninhalte, die mit der Absicht verbreitet werden, dadurch einen wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Gewinn zu erzielen, der gleichzeitig der Öffentlichkeit Schaden zufügen kann.“ Mit anderen Worten, Fehlinformationen sind zwar teilweise unwahre Nachrichten, aber die Person, die sie verbreitet, glaubt, dass sie wahr sind. Desinformation sind ebenfalls unwahr, aber die Person, die sie verbreitet, weiß genau, dass sie falsch sind. Es handelt sich um eine absichtliche Lüge, die darauf abzielt, dass Menschen von in- oder ausländischen böswilligen Akteuren aktiv manipuliert werden.
Was ist Cyberhygiene?
Ähnlich wie die persönliche Hygiene dafür sorgt, dass wir gesund bleiben, bezieht sich Cyberhygiene auf bewährte Praktiken und Aktivitäten, die Internetnutzer durchführen sollten, um ihre Cybersicherheit zu verbessern, damit ihre Daten und ihre persönliche digitale Identität geschützt sind, während sie Online-Aktivitäten wie E-Mails bearbeiten, im Internet surfen oder auf Social-Media-Plattformen aktiv sind. Cyber-Hygiene ist somit die Grundvoraussetzung, um Nutzer vor Angriffen im Cyberspace zu schützen.
Was sind Deepfakes?
Der Begriff „Deepfake“ wird oft als Überbegriff verwendet, der verschiedene Formen der audiovisuellen Manipulation umfasst. Aber Deepfakes können genauer als hochentwickelte Manipulation audiovisueller Medien mit von künstlicher Intelligenz gesteuerter Technologie definiert werden. Aber was ist daran so besonders? Das Media Lab von WITNESS bringt es auf den Punkt: „Deepfakes sind neue Formen der audiovisuellen Manipulation, die es Menschen ermöglichen, realistische Simulationen des Gesichts, der Stimme oder der Handlungen einer Person zu erstellen. Sie ermöglichen es den Menschen, es so aussehen zu lassen, als ob jemand etwas gesagt oder getan hätte, was sie nicht getan haben, oder ein Ereignis passiert ist, das nie stattgefunden hat. Sie werden immer einfacher zu erstellen, erfordern weniger Quellbilder, um sie zu erstellen, und sie werden zunehmend kommerzialisiert.“ Der Begriff Deepfakes kommt im Wesentlichen aus der Kombination von „Deep Learning“ mit „Fake“.
Wenn Sie sich einen Eindruck davon verschaffen möchten, wie es sich als Politikerin oder Politiker anfühlt, Opfer einer Desinformationskampagne zu werden, spielen Sie doch einmal die deutsche Version unseres politischen Online-Spiels: The Disinformation Diaries.
Um sich ein konkretes Bild davon zu machen, wie ein politischer Deepfake aussehen kann, schauen Sie sich doch einmal “unseren” Präsident Trump auf dem Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2019 an.
Sollten Sie sich noch weitergehend über Desinformationen und Deepfakes informieren wollen, laden wir Sie herzlich dazu ein, unseren offenen Online-Kurs auf der Bildundungsplattform CanopyLab zu besuchen hier.
What is the Pledge for Election Integrity?
Every year millions of people around the world go to the polls to cast their vote. But they may not be the only ones to have their say – foreign powers will also want to influence the outcome. Governments, electoral commissions and intelligence services have mobilized to varying degrees to counter these threats. Yet not enough has been done.
Political parties and their candidates are on the front lines of democracy and election integrity. That is why the members of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity are calling on all democratic parties, as well as candidates themselves, to commit to take no action to aid and abet those who seek to undermine our democracies.
What is the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity?
The Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity is a transatlantic, bi-partisan group of political, tech, business and media leaders that seeks to foster a more collective approach to preventing the next wave of foreign election interference.
The Commission’s work raises awareness of the risks, develops new technology tools, and identifies weaknesses and remedies in the policy response across Europe and the USA, including front line states such as Ukraine.
Visit our TCEI homepage to learn more:
What is the Pledge for Election Integrity?
Every year millions of people around the world go to the polls to cast their vote. But they may not be the only ones to have their say – foreign powers will also want to influence the outcome. Governments, electoral commissions and intelligence services have mobilized to varying degrees to counter these threats. Yet not enough has been done.
Political parties and their candidates are on the front lines of democracy and election integrity. That is why the members of the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity are calling on all democratic parties, as well as candidates themselves, to commit to take no action to aid and abet those who seek to undermine our democracies.
What is the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity?
The Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity is a transatlantic, bi-partisan group of political, tech, business and media leaders that seeks to foster a more collective approach to preventing the next wave of foreign election interference.
The Commission’s work raises awareness of the risks, develops new technology tools, and identifies weaknesses and remedies in the policy response across Europe and the USA, including front line states such as Ukraine.
Visit our TCEI homepage to learn more:
რატომ უნდა მოაწეროთ ხელი დათქმას?
31 ოქტომბერს საქართველოში საპარლამენტო არჩევნები ჩატარდება. საარჩევნო სისტემასთან დაკავშირებული მნიშვნელოვანი ცვლილებების ფონზე, საქართველოს მოქალაქეებს მაღალი მოლოდინები აქვთ მოახლოებულ საპარლამენტო არჩვენებთან დაკავშირებით. წინასაარჩევნო პერიოდში, არჩევნებში მავნე ჩარევისა და მიზანმიმართული დეზინფორმაციის რისკი მაღალია. ამ რისკების უგულებელყოფა ან უფრო უარესი – მავნე ძალების პირდაპირი თუ ირიბი მხარდაჭერა, დემოკრატიული სისტემებისა და პროცესების მიმართ საქართველოს მოსახლეობის ნდობას შეარყევს.
პოლიტიკური პარტიები და მათი კანდიდატები დემოკრატიისა და სამართლიანი არჩვენებისთვის ბრძოლის წინა ხაზზე არიან. ამიტომაც, ტრანსატლანტიკური კომისია არჩევნებში კეთილსინდისიერი მონაწილეობისათვის (TCEI) მოუწოდებს ყველა დემოკრატიულ პარტიასა და მათ კანდიდატებს დათქმაზე ხელმოწერით პირობა დადონ რომ არ დაეხმარებიან და არ წააქეზებენ მათ, ვინც ცდილობს ავნოს დემოკრატიას.
რას წარმოადგენს ტრანსატლანტიკური კომისია არჩევნებში კეთილსინდისიერი მონაწილეობისათვის (TCEI)?
ტრანსატლანტიკური კომისია არჩევნებში კეთილსინდისიერი მონაწილეობისათვის არის პოლიტიკოსების მრავალპარტიული ჯგუფი რომელიც ასევე აერთიანებს ტექნოლოგიების, ბიზნესისა და მედია სფეროს ლიდერებს. კომისიის მიზანია გააძლიეროს კოლექტიური ძალისხმევა არჩევნებში საგარეო ჩარევის თავიდან აცილების მიზნით.
კომისიის საქმიანობა მოიცავს ცნობიერების ამაღლებას არჩევნებში ჩარევის რისკების შესახებ და შესაბამისი ტექნოლოგიური გადაწყვეტების შემუშავებას. ტრანსატლანტიკური კომისია ასევე იკვლევს საჯარო პოლიტიკის სუსტ მხარეებს და შეიმუშავებს მათი აღმოფხვრის გზებს. TCEI მუშაობს ევროპაში, ამერიკის შეერთებულ შტატებსა და დეზინფორმაციასთან ბრძოლის ისეთ ფრონტის წინა ხაზზე მყოფ ქვეყნებში, როგორიც უკრაინაა.
Candidates who took the pledge
First Name | Last Name | Position | Party | Political Group | Nationality | TCEI Election Pledge |
Joseph R | Biden | Candidate | Democrat | United States | US | |
Valentin | Abel | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Gökhan | Akkamis | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Reem | Alabali-Radovan | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Nemir | Ali | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Johannes | Arlt | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Maik | Babenhauserheide | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Sven | Bachmann | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Nezahat | Baradari | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Matthias | Bartke | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Holger | Becker | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Maik | Berger | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Uwe | Biletzke | Candidate | Die Linke | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Enrico | Bloch | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Ingo | Bodtke | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Helmut | Born | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Jens | Brandenburg | Member of Parliament | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Leni | Breymaier | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Leon | Buchwald | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Dr. Lars | Castellucci | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Liborio | Ciccarello | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Hakan | Demir | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Sandra | Detzer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Patrick | Diebold | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Eva-Marie | Doerfler | Candidate | AfD | Alternative für Deutschland - AfD | Germany | Germany |
Anke | Domscheit-Berg | Member of Parliament | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Laura Sophie | Dornheim | Candidate | Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Marcel | Emmerich | Member of Parliament | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Kai | Fackler | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Sander | Frank | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Manuel | Gava | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Jan-Niclas | Gesenhues | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Ina | Gießwein | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Eva-Maria | Glathe-Braun | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Claas | Goldenstein | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | Grässer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Armin | Grau | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Philipp | Hartewig | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | Hartmann | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Sara | Haug | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Rene | Heesen | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green party | Germany | Germany |
Silvio | Heider | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Bernhard | Herrmann | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Jens | Herrndorff | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Nadine | Heselhaus | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Rene | Hessen | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Maria | Heubuch | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Justus | Heuer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Andreas | Hinderks | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Florian | Hofmann | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Bruno | Hönel | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Fabian | Horn | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Verena | Hubertz | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Olaf | in der Beek | Member of Parliament | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Werner | Jannek | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Julian | Joswig | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Green Party) | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Ann-Veruschka | Jurisch | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Elisabeth | Kaiser | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Anna | Kassautzki | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Franziska | Kersten | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Knut | Kiesel | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Roderich | Kiesewetter | Member of Parliament | CDU | Conservatives | Germany | Germany |
Joachim | Kleen | Candidate | CDU | Conservatives | Germany | Germany |
Thomas | Klein | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Heiko | Knopf | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Denise | Köcke | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Birgit | Kömpel | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Denis | Korn | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Laura | Kraft | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Philip | Krämer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Jürgen | Kretz | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Caroline | Krohn | Candidate | Bündnis90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Viktoria | Kruse | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Robert | Kuhlmann | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Chris | Kühn | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Finn | Kuhne | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Dr. Silke | Launert | Member of Parliament | CSU | Conservatives | Germany | Germany |
Helge | Lindh | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Anna | Lührmann | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Timur | Lutfullin | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Stefan | Maas | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Yana | Mark | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Stephan | Marquardt | Candidate | Die Linke | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Parsa | Marvi | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Christoph | Matschie | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Zoe | Mayer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Sigrid | Meierhofer | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Alexander | Meyer | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Mike | Mohring | Member of Parliament | CDU | Conservatives | Germany | Germany |
Falko | Mohrs | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Moritz | Müller | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Beate | Müller-Gemmeke | Member of Parliament | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Sara | Nannni | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Anna | Neumann | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Brian | Nickholz | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Lars | Nitschke | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Omid | Nouripour | Member of Parliament | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Tim | Nusser | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Friedrich | Ohnesorge | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Stephan | Ostermann | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Marcus | Otto | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Jana | Peters | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green party | Germany | Germany |
Tina | Prietz | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Dennis | Pucher | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Ye-One | Rhie | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Ann Cathrin | Riedel | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Nik | Riesmeier | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens) | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Andreas | Rimkus | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | Roloff | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Martin | Rosemann | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Jan | Rothenbacher | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Dr. Rainer | Rothfuss | Candidate | AfD | Alternative für Deutschland - AfD | Germany | Germany |
Daniel | Rüdel | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Nadine | Ruf | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Petra | Schenke | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Heide | Schinowsky | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Jan-Lukas | Schmitt | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Matthias | Schniebel | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Michael | Schrodi | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Kordula | Schulz-Asche | Member of Parliament | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Green Party) | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Tim-Luka | Schwab | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Frank | Schwabe | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Stefan | Schwartze | Member of Parliament | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Şirin | Seitz | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Martin | Sielmann | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Stefan | Söhngen | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Till | Sörensen-Siebel | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Nina | Stahr | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Christian | Steffen-Stiehl | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Konrad | Stockmeier | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Sebastian | Stölting | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Andreas | Tesche | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Ralf | Tiedemann | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Christian | Tramnitz | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Nina | Treu | Candidate | Die Linke | Left | Germany | Germany |
Maja | Wallstein | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Melanie | Wegling | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Sven | Wendorf | Candidate | AfD | Alternative für Deutschland - AfD | Germany | Germany |
Lena | Werner | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Stefan | Westerschulze | Candidate | FDP | Liberal | Germany | Germany |
Juliana | Wimmer | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Tobias | Winkler | Candidate | CSU | Conservatives | Germany | Germany |
Mirko | Witkowski | Candidate | SPD | Social Democrats | Germany | Germany |
Thomas | Zawalski | Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Gianina | Zimmermann | Candidate | Bündnis90/Die Grünen (Green Party) | Green Party | Germany | Germany |
Teona | Akubardia | Member of Parliament | Strategy Builder | Georgia | Georgia | |
Eka | Beselia | Party Leader | For Justice | Georgia | Georgia | |
Giga | Bokeria | Candidate | European Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Tinatin | Bokuchava | Candidate | United National Movement | Georgia | Georgia | |
Nino | Burjanadze | Party Leader | United Georgia-Democratic Movement | Georgia | Georgia | |
Tamar | Charkviani | Candidate | Giorgi Vashadze-Strategy Aghmashenebeli | Georgia | Georgia | |
Ana | Dolidze | Candidate | Independent | Georgia | Georgia | |
Alexander | Elisashvili | Party Leader | The Citizens | Georgia | Georgia | |
Lana | Galdava | Candidate | Lelo for Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Grigol | Gegelia | Candidate | Lelo for Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Giorgi | Kandelaki | Candidate | European Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Sergi | Kapanadze | Candidate | European Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Tamar | Kekenadze | Party Leader | Free Democrats | Georgia | Georgia | |
Mamuka | Khazaradze | Party Leader | Lelo for Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Tamara | Kordzaia | Candidate | Republican Party of Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Kakha | Kuchava | Party Leader | Georgian Dream | Georgia | Georgia | |
Murad | Muradov | Candidate | Lelo for Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Shalva | Natelashvili | Party Leader | Georgian Labour Party | Georgia | Georgia | |
Irakli | Okruashvili | Party Leader | Victorious Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Salome | Samadashvili | Candidate | United National Movement | Georgia | Georgia | |
Khatuna | Samnidze | Party Leader | Republican Party of Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Zaza | Tsereteli | Candidate | For Justice | Georgia | Georgia | |
Giorgi | Tsobekhia | Candidate | Giorgi Vashadze-Strategy Aghmashnebeli | Georgia | Georgia | |
Gigi | Ugulava | Candidate | European Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
David | Usupashvili | Candidate | Lelo for Georgia | Georgia | Georgia | |
Giorgi | Vashadze | Party Leader | Giorgi Vashadze-Strategy Aghmashenebeli | Georgia | Georgia | |
Kenan | Akyil | Party Member | sp.a | PES | Belgium | EU |
Abir | Al-Sahlani | MP | Centerpartiet | Alde | Sweden | EU |
Christian | Allard | 2019 European Candidate | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Elisabeth | Altekoester | Candidate to run | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Raluca | Amariei | 2019 European Candidate | Alianta 2020 | Romania | EU | |
Bert | Anciaux | 2019 European Candidate | Sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Heather | Anderson | 2019 European Candidate | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Laima | Andrikiene | Current MEP | Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats | Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) | Lithuania | EU |
Anna Michelle | Asimakopoulou | 2019 European Candidate | Nea Demokratia | EPP | Greece | EU |
Margrete | Auken | Current MEP | Socialistic Peoples Party | Greens-EFA | Denmark | EU |
Beatriz | Becerra | Current MEP | Independent | ALDE | Spain | EU |
Brando | Benifei | Current MEP | Partito Democratico | Socialists&Democrats | Italy | EU |
Vladimir | Bilcik | 2019 European Candidate | SPOLU - Civic Democracy | Slovakia | EU | |
Gaby | Bischoff | Candidate to run | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Lukas | Blasej | 2019 European Candidate | Pirate Party | Czech Republic | EU | |
Mette | Bock | 2019 European Candidate | The Liberal Alliance | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Geert | Bourgeois | 2019 European Candidate | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Tom | Brake | Party Member | Liberal Democrats | ALDE | United Kingdom | EU |
Elmar | Brok | Current MEP | CDU | EPP | Germany | EU |
Klaus | Buchner | Current MEP | Ekologisch-Demokratische Partei | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Mikel | Burzako | Party Member | Basque National Party | ALDE | Spain | EU |
Reinhard | Butikofer | Current MEP | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Anne | Caelen | 2019 European Candidate | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Enrique | Calvet Chambon | Current MEP | Independent | ALDE | Spain | EU |
Erika | Casajoana | 2019 European Candidate | Junts per Catalunya | Spain | EU | |
Lukas Lev | Cervinka | 2019 European Candidate | Cesk? pir?tsk? strana (Czech Pirate Party) | Czech Republic | EU | |
Dita | Charanzova | Current MEP | ANO | ALDE | Czech Republic | EU |
Zlatimira | Colova | 2019 European Candidate | Volt Bulgaria | Bulgaria | EU | |
Anna Maria | Corazza Bildt | Member of the European Party | Miderate party, Sweden | EPP | Sweden | EU |
Jan | Cornillie | 2019 European Candidate | Sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Adriana | Cristian | 2019 European Candidate | USR | Romania | EU | |
Daniel | Dalton | Current MEP | Conservative | ECR | United Kingdom | EU |
Jakop | Dalunde | Current MEP | Miljöpartiet De Gröna | Greens/EFA | Sweden | EU |
Monica | De Coninck | 2019 European Candidate | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Petra | De Sutter | 2019 European Candidate | Groen | Greens/EFA | Belgium | EU |
zeger | debyser | Candidate to run | N-VA | Belgium | EU | |
Mark | Demesmaeker | Current MEP | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Carla | Denyer | 2019 European Candidate | Green Party | Greens-EFA | United Kingdom | EU |
Girard | Deprez | Current MEP | Mouvement Reformateur | ALDE | Belgium | EU |
Pia | Desmet | Unionist BBTK/FGTB | SPa | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Martina | Dlabajova | Current MEP | ANO | ALDE | Czech Republic | EU |
Kim | Elmose | 2019 European Candidate | The Social-liberal Party / Radikale Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Jill | Evans | Current MEP | Plaid Cymru | Greens/EFA | United Kingdom | EU |
Jose Inacio | Faria | Current MEP | MPT | EPP | Portugal | EU |
Fredrick | Federley | Current MEP | Centre party | ALDE | Sweden | EU |
Fenna | Feenstra | 2019 European Candidate | SP | gue/ngl | EU | |
Margaret | Ferrier | 2019 European Candidate | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Knut | Fleckenstein | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Anna | Fotyga | Current MEP | Prawo i Sprawiedliwo__ (PiS) | European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) | Poland | EU |
Daniel | Freund | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Malte | Gallee | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Claudia | Gamon | 2019 European Candidate | NEOS | ALDE | Austria | EU |
Evelyne | Gebhardt | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Alexandra | Geese | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Stefan | Gehrold | Current MEP | CDU | EPP | Germany | EU |
Sven | Giegold | Current MEP | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Yana | Giovanis | Candidate, International Secretary Jongsocialisten Belgium | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Marketa | Gregorova | 2019 European Candidate | Czech Pirate party | European Pirate party | Czech Republic | EU |
Nathalie | Griesbeck | Current MEP | MoDem | ALDE | France | EU |
Sylvie | Guillaume | Current MEP | Socialist Party | Socialists & Democrats | France | EU |
Henrike | Hahn | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Germany | EU | |
Christophe | Hansen | Current MEP | CSV | EPP | Luxembourg | EU |
Dominik | Hatiar | 2019 European Candidate | Progresivne Slovensko | ALDE | Slovakia | EU |
Morten | Helveg Petersen | Current MEP | Radikale Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Arnout | Hoekstra | 2019 European Candidate | SP | GUE/NGL | The Netherlands | EU |
Claudia | Hofemann | Candidate to run | GroenLinks | European Greens | EU | |
Filipe | Honorio | 2019 European Candidate | LIVRE | G/EFA | Portugal | EU |
Danuta | Huebner | 2019 European Candidate | EPP | Poland | EU | |
Ivars | Ijabs | 2019 European Candidate | Attistibai/PAR! | ALDE | Latvia | EU |
Ieva | Ilvesa | 2019 European Candidate | Attistibai/PAR! | ALDE | Latvia | EU |
Raquel | Izquierdo de Santiago | 2019 European Candidate | Esquerra Republicana | Greens/EFA | Spain | EU |
Rob | Jetten | Party Leader | D66 | ALDE | The Netherlands | EU |
Oriol | Junqueras i Vies | Party Leader | Esquerra Republicana | Greens/EFA | Spain | EU |
Kaja | Kallas | Party Leader | Estonian Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Petra | Kammerevert | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Assita | Kanko | 2019 European Candidate | NVA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Sajjad | Karim | Current MEP | Conservative and Unionist | ECR | United Kingdom | EU |
Pritty | Kaur | 2019 European Candidate | Sp.a | Belgium | EU | |
Erkki | Keldo | Party Leader | Estonian Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Ska | Keller | Member of Parliament | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Green Party | Germany | EU |
Alex | Kerr | 2019 European Candidate | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Sabine | Klok | 2019 European Candidate | GroenLinks | Greens | EU | |
Gorka | Knorr | 2019 European Candidate | Junts per Catalunya | Spain | EU | |
Dirk-Jan | Koch | 2019 European Candidate | GroenLinks | Greens/EFA | EU | |
Jeppe | Kofod | Current MEP | Socialdemokratiet | Socialists and Democrats | Denmark | EU |
Arndt | Kohn | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Frantisek | Kopsiva | 2019 European Candidate | Czech Pirate Party (_esk? pir?tsk? strana) | Czech Republic | EU | |
Edwin | Korver | 2019 European Candidate | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Andrey | Kovatchev | Current MEP | GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) | EPP | Bulgaria | EU |
Edvard | Kozusnik | Candidate to run | ODS | ECR | Czech Republic | EU |
Eerik Niles | Kross | Candidate | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Norbert | Kurilla | 2019 European Candidate | Most-Hid | EPP | Slovakia | EU |
Sergey | Lagodinsky | 2019 European Candidate | Alliance 90/The Greens | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Maris | Lauri | Party Member | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Jo | Leinen | Current MEP | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) | Party of European Socialists (PES)/Group of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D) | Germany | EU |
Arne | Lietz | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Wierinck | Lieve | Current MEP | OpenVld | Alde | Belgium | EU |
Morten | Loekkegaard | 2019 European Candidate | Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Vix | Lowthion | 2019 European Candidate | Green | Green | United Kingdom | EU |
David | McAllister | Current MEP | CDU | EPP | Germany | EU |
Aileen | McLeod | 2019 European Candidate | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Tilly | Metz | 2019 European Candidate | Déi Gréng | European Green Party | Luxembourg | EU |
Nadine | Milde | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | EGP | Germany | EU |
Teresa | Mota | Candidate to run | LIVRE | Greens | Portugal | EU |
Nora | Mouallali | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU | |
Ulrike | Muller | Current MEP | Freie Wahler | ALDE | Germany | EU |
Hannah | Neumann | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Norbert | Neuser | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Maria | Noichl | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Kaoutar | Oulichki | 2019 European Candidate | Sp.a | PES | Belgium | EU |
Urmas | Paet | Current MEP | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Jan | Paternotte | Party Member | D66 | ALDE | The Netherlands | EU |
Jutta | Paulus | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | European Green Party | Germany | EU |
Casper | Pedersen | 2019 European Candidate | Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Keit | Pentus-Rosimannus | Member of Estonian Parliament | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Simona | Petrik | 2019 European Candidate | SPOLU - TOGETHER | Slovakia | EU | |
Hanno | Pevkur | Party Member | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Tonino | Picula | Current MEP | SDP | S&D | Croatia | EU |
Sirpa | Pietikainen | Current MEP | National Coalition (Kokoomus) | EPP | Finland | EU |
Filipa | Pinto | Candidate to run | LIVRE | Greens | Portugal | EU |
Kati | Piri | 2019 European Candidate | PvdA | PES | EU | |
Jiri | Pospisil | 2019 European Candidate | TOP 09 | EPP | Czech Republic | EU |
Carles | Puigdemont i Casamaj? | 2019 European Candidate | Junts per Catalunya/Lliures per Europa | Belgium | EU | |
Jozo | Rados | Current MEP | Glas | ALDE | Croatia | EU |
Diamantino | Raposinho | Candidate to run | LIVRE | Portugal | EU | |
Bergur Larsson Lokke | Rasmussen | 2019 European Candidate | Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Evelyn | Regner | 2019 European Candidate | SP? | S&D | Austria | EU |
Terry | Reintke | 2019 European Candidate | Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | Greens/EFA | Germany | EU |
Diana | Riba i Giner | 2019 European Candidate | Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya | Greens/EFA | Spain | EU |
Patrick | Richardson-Todd | 2019 European Candidate | Volt | Belgium | EU | |
Frederique | Ries | Current MEP | MR | ALDE | Belgium | EU |
Catharina | Rinzema | 2019 European Candidate | VVD | ALDE | EU | |
Dominique | Riquet | Current MEP | Mouvement Radical - social liberal | ALDE | France | EU |
Taavi | Roivas | 2019 European Candidate | Reform Party | ALDE | Estonia | EU |
Aura | Salla | 2019 European Candidate | National Coalition Party | EPP | Finland | EU |
Marcus | Scheuren | 2019 European Candidate | FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei) | ALDE | Germany | EU |
Helmut | Scholz | Current MEP | GUE/NGL | Germany | EU | |
Molly | Scott Cato | Current MEP | Green | Greens-EFA | United Kingdom | EU |
Meris | Sehovic | 2019 European Candidate | Déi Gréng | European Green Party | Luxembourg | EU |
Per | Serve | Party Member | Venstre | Renew Europe | Denmark | EU |
Alyn | Smith | Current MEP | Scottish National Party | European Free Alliance | United Kingdom | EU |
Tine | Soens | Party Member | Sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Linea | Sogaard-Lidell | 2019 European Candidate | Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Jordi | Sole i Ferrando | Current MEP | Esquerra Republicana | Greens/EFA | Spain | EU |
Veiko | Spolitis | Party Member | Vienot_ba | EPP | Latvia | EU |
Ivan | Stefanec | Current MEP | SDKU-DS | EPP | Slovakia | EU |
David | Stellini | Candidate to run | Nationalist Party | EPP | Malta | EU |
Helga | Stevens | Current MEP | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Matthias | Storme | 2019 European Candidate | N-VA | ECR | Belgium | EU |
Vincent | Stuer | 2019 European Candidate | Open Vld | ALDE | Belgium | EU |
Dubravka | Suica | Current MEP | HDZ | EPP | Croatia | EU |
Tibor | Szanyi | Current MEP | MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) | S&D | Hungary | EU |
Indrek | Tarand | Current MEP | Independent | Greens/EFA | Estonia | EU |
Pavel | Telicka | Current MEP | Hlas | ALDE | Czech Republic | EU |
Carl | Tornell | 2019 European Candidate | Volt | Belgium | EU | |
Nils | Torvalds | Current MEP | Swedish People’s Party - Svenska Folkpartiet | ALDE | Finland | EU |
Ernest | Urtasun | Current MEP | Greens/EFA | EGP | Spain | EU |
Katrien | Uyttersprot | 2019 European Candidate | N-VA | Belgium | EU | |
Inese | Vaidere | Current MEP | Vienot_ba | EPP | Latvia | EU |
Adina Ioana | Valean | Current MEP | PNL Romania | EPP | Romania | EU |
Kathleen | Van Brempt | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU | |
Dirk | Van der Maelen | 2019 European Candidate | Sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Reinier | van Lanschot | 2019 European Candidate | Volt | Volt | The Netherlands | EU |
Eline | van Nistelrooij | 2019 European Candidate | GroenLinks | Greens/EFA | EU | |
Sissel | van Run-Kvist | 2019 European Candidate | Radikale Venstre | ALDE | Denmark | EU |
Kim | van Sparrentak | 2019 European Candidate | GroenLinks | The Greens | EU | |
Maxim | Vandekerckhove | Candidate to run | Sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Alexandru | Varzaru | 2019 European Candidate | Alianta 2020 USR PLUS | Romania | EU | |
Hilde | Vautmans | Current MEP | Open Vld | ALDE | Belgium | EU |
Mirja | Vehkapera | Current MEP | Centre Party | ALDE | Finland | EU |
Jeroni | Vergeer | 2019 European Candidate | GroenLinks | The Greens | EU | |
Nikolaj | Villumsen | 2019 European Candidate | Enhedslisten - Red-Green Alliance | GUE-NGL | Denmark | EU |
Viola | Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel | 2019 European Candidate | Alliance90/The Green | Germany | EU | |
Jannie | Visscher | 2019 European Candidate | Socialist Party | GUE-NGL | EU | |
Julie | Ward | Current MEP | Labour | Socialists and Democrats | United Kingdom | EU |
Manfred | Weber | Member of Parliament | CSU | Conservatives | Germany | EU |
Pernille | Weiss | 2019 European Candidate | Det Konservative Folkeparti | EPP | Denmark | EU |
Emma | Wiesner | 2019 European Candidate | Centerpartiet | ALDE | Sweden | EU |
Cecilia | Wikstrom | Current MEP | Liberalerna | ALDE | Sweden | EU |
Tiemo | Wolken | Current MEP | SPD | S&D | Germany | EU |
Oona | Wyns | 2019 European Candidate | sp.a | S&D | Belgium | EU |
Nikos | Yannis | 2019 European Candidate | New Democracy | EPP | Greece | EU |
Roberts | Zile | Current MEP | National Alliance | European Conservatives and Reformists Group | Latvia | EU |
Karina | Gould | Candidate | Canadian Member of Parliament | Liberal | Canada | Canada |
Andrew | Scheer | Party Leader | Canadian Member of Parliament | The Conservative Party | Canada | Canada |
Jagmeet | Singh | British Columbia | Burnaby South | New Democratic Party | Canada | Canada |

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